
Which Vitamin Supplements Can Best Support Healthy Ageing?

Getting older is an inevitable part of life, but many of us are understandably keen to do what we can to support healthy ageing. This is not just about the way we look, but also includes maintaining a strong immune system, supple joints and a good digestive system. Here’s a look at how vitamin C and MSM powder (Methyl-sulphonyl-methane) can aid this process.


Boosting collagen production

The building blocks of a fresh and youthful complexion are the proteins that form collagen, which is a substance that supports our skin, bones, muscles and connective tissues. As we get older the body naturally produces less collagen, which is why we become prone to facial lines, sagging jawlines, and muscle stiffness. 


Vitamin C plays a key role in collagen production, so by increasing your intake you can maintain optimum levels of collagen to help keep your skin looking smooth and firm. When combined with MSM, vitamin C will work in synthesis to produce a consistent amount of collagen and help to prevent wrinkles and coarsening of the skin’s texture. 


As well as enhancing the appearance of the skin, the two products work together to maintain cartilage and minimise the risk of inflammation in the joints. This can help to keep you more flexible and pain-free as you age, reducing the risk of falls and injuries and making it easier to exercise and keep fit. 


Strengthening the immune system 

Infections and viruses present more of a threat as we get older, because the body may be less able to fight them off, or to bounce back quickly after an illness. Colds or bouts of flu that we shook off in a couple of days when we were younger can linger, or even develop into more serious respiratory conditions such as bronchitis or pneumonia. 


Vitamin C promotes the production of white blood cells, which are vital for fighting off pathogens. When combined with MSM, vitamin C also has an antioxidant effect that can protect the body against harmful free radicals, reducing the damage to cells that could expedite the ageing process and increase the chances of serious disease.


MSM also has a natural detoxifying effect and can boost liver function. This can improve general health and wellbeing and lead to brighter and clearer skin.


Tips for getting the most from your supplements

Always use good quality supplements derived from natural sources such as organic rosehip. Follow the recommendations for dosage and be consistent with taking them. You should take them as part of a healthy balanced diet, rather than as a substitute for nutritious food such as fresh fruit and vegetables, lean proteins, and unsaturated fats.


Pay attention to your hydration levels to support soft and supple skin, and limit your intake of alcohol to within the recommended guidelines of 14 units per week. If you smoke, consider quitting as this will significantly age your skin. 


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